Sunday, 5 February 2012


Above the thick green woods,
High, shone the silvery moon
Clear waters flowing below
Capturing it, marred by ripples
Mesmerizing it all was!

Smoke rose high from the chimney
In an attempt to engulf the surroundings,
But it did vanish in to thin air
Drinking the porridge at home were-
A family of three- a man, women and their kid

Happily consuming the frugal meal
Singing in the praise of Almighty
Content for the half filled bowl
Eyeing the kid helping
Himself to a spoonful

 Bedtime stories and lullaby
Under the vast expanse of sky
Stars blinking at the mortals below
Sound of woods like high and low notes
Snuggled closely to his mother!

More of a ritual, it had been!
But that day was an exception
As his mother started off with a tale,
The kid pointed to the moon
Sticking out like a fruit on the still tree

Pleading his logger dad to get him
The shiny fruit atop the branch!
Both faltering at the sudden whim
Of the now wailing kid
Losing all their attempts in pacifying him!

The couple was left pondering
Suddenly some one of the two,
Broke the silence and
Convinced the kid of theirs that-
“Santa would gift it to you!”

The other added,” Be a good kid!”
The merry old man from North Pole
Riding his sleigh pulled by Reindeer,
On the wintry eve of Christmas shall
Place it by your stocking!

Christmas passed, in fact
Many Christmases had passed
Never did the kid, now a six foot high boy-
Had his desire fulfilled!
Now, realizing his hollow desire!

Humans, intelligent creatures
Their desires-Unquenchable and incessant
Yearning for more and the impossible!
Their eyes deceiving them
But the thirst never dies!

A sizeable portion of their desires
May or may not get fulfilled
That doesn’t deter a soul!
Smitten they remain,
Dreaming for more

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