Monday 1 October 2012

" Strangers in the evening ♪♫♪♫ !"

Unlike what I usually do on my way back home, today I preoccupied myself doing something altogether different. It’s the age long acquainted and accustomed bus that I boarded which was already occupied with many other familiar faces whom I greeted with a warm smile amicably. Hurriedly sat in the seat in the center of the bus overlooking the other commuters and plugged the earphones right away.

That’s when the conversation I had with my friend last weekend struck me out of the blue. Being an arts student, she spoke about how interesting it was to study the emotions and mannerisms of fellow passengers which she still undertakes regularly for a better understanding of Sociology. I was enlightened further about the social analysis and also the strict no-no’s, an amusing one of that being that “thou shalt not consider thine pal as a guinea pig for analysis.”

The nosy elderly sitting beside me were interested more in the book I was reading while a kid busy engrossed in texting someone whom I presumed to be his girlfriend. I rounded on that conclusion when I saw him reply spiritedly to the texts right away with an occasional chuckle. A disgusting scene of a baldy picking his bulbous nose and of a lady gazing awestruck at the setting sun! None seemed of particular interest to me, until a couple boarded the bus who quietly stood over an arm’s length away from each other.

They chose to carry on a conversation with facial expressions. I for one, was mighty impressed! Dancing brows, silent lip movement, rolling eyes and smile seems to have conveyed something to each other that they alone could decipher.That’s when I realized that I might not understand it till I fell in love. (Now I’m not hinting on anything! :P)

It was soon time for me to get off the bus.
That guy out fooled another to seat himself comfortably and could sense his pride in his gleaming eyes which conveyed “ Bazinga ! Out fooled ya! “ [ Could decipher that alone :)]

After that little stint of social analysis, walked back home through the dense automobile smoke, puffing it deep like it was off Weed singing my twist of Frank Sinatra's scored hit 'Strangers in the night',

“Strangers in the evening exchanging glances,
Wond'ring in the evening what their chances were
To be sharing love before the night was through
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It turned out so right for strangers in the evening’’

Sang ♫♪♫♪....

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