Wednesday, 28 September 2011

''Google enters teens!''

Google celebrated its 13th B'day on this Sept 27
As a kid, I’d learnt two things!
They’d literally changed my life
One- to learn to Google;
The other being- to master the art of ogling!

Google –revolutionized thoughts
Changed the perspective of everything
A true Einstein it is!
Never a Jack of all trades instead,a master of it all!

In a playground called Internet,
Google rules the roost!
You type it and laze around
While it takes the pain to redirect everything related

I remember whenever I was on tenterhook
Needed more than just worldly wisdom,
None of my ideas materializing
I knew I’d find a succour in Google

Men and women, think alike
When it comes to choosing,
Who the best is!
Unanimously, Google- the Smart one!

Cloud computing? Do I know that?
Many other marvelous stuffs outta Google,
Do I know them all?
Nay, Can I know all the many brilliant stuffs it gets out?

What better occasion than this to thank Google?
For it’s the mighty behemoth’s 13th B’day !
I’d love to tell it how I enjoy every service it offers
Youtube, Translate, Maps, Blogger, Android and all!

Back when I was 13,
I was a stripling unknown to all
I still ‘m someone with very little to tell about!
But, Google in its teen is already the undefeated!

I realize that I can write pages on Google!
Irresistible but little did you all know that,
I’ve got an assignment to do
I’d ‘ve to Google it!

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Wishing that day 'd never dawned!

Wishing that day 'd never dawned!
Tick tock, tick tock rocked the giant pendulum clock
Hypnotizing, translating me to a period ages ago
Sort of time warp;
Memories of instances etched in my brain
Shuffling through every piercing instance,
Wishing that day had never dawned!

In chronological order- the very first voice from the past,
Ain’t nostalgic, for I was startled!
Kingly beast Dino that ruled over was wiped off
Was it any mean trick of a sorcerer?
Why couldn’t Eve resist the luscious bright red apple?
Only wishing that day had never dawned!

Civilization proliferated,
Tribes did increase
Crusades, genocides, WW, battles marred the world I didn’t know
Blood splatter, espionage, the highhandedness of axis powers
Countering them, the allies– Hitler, his cronies with quarter a moustache
Wishing that very day had never dawned!

How I was thrilled listening about Alexander, Caesar,
Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, Aztecs, Indians;
Why couldn’t I’ve seen it all?
Wish it were all real like yesterday!
Couldn’t Shakespeare, Napoleon and the alike been my chums?
Alas, that day would never dawn!

Then came an era when the word – "Scientia”
Dispelled and warded off faiths and beliefs
Was it an arch enemy of church?  Well, Yeah!
Few enlightened –brutally murdered,
Silencing the intellectual rest
Wishing that day had never dawned!

Columbus, colonizers crossed the blue seas
Discovering America and other virgin lands
Living a king’s life;
Propagating slavery and trade,
Plundering, taking away the riches
Wishing that day had never dawned!

Three Mile Island, Krakatau, Haiti, Tsunami,
Great depression and an endless list of others
Ramshackl’d mankind and nature!
Why couldn’t the twelve children of the Year sense it earlier?
Couldn’t they’ve skipped a day?
Now I only wish that day had never dawned!
Having had enough of it,
With all my might, I sprang to life again,
Blinding my eyes, shutting my mind
Laid my imagination to rest
Popped an aspirin to set my pounding head
Equally wishing this day had never dawned!

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Das Mighty !

As a kid I always awaited
My granddad’s homecoming
Senile though looked young
Chiseled looks, salt and peppered hair
‘’A carnival!’’, every time he came home

 Sitting on his lap, I asked, ‘what is power?’
 All he’d to say was it was humongous
For me to get the literal sense
Though it can either be detrimental or otherwise
Godly one shall feel!

Out of all the bedtime stories he’d narrated to me
He quickly recollected it
To tell that, Power may be like –
You are Zeus of Greek Mythology!
I was awed, my mouth wide open

Still I couldn’t get an abstract of what power was
As I grew, that feeling intrigued me
More and more
As many years ticked away,
My inquisitiveness leaped by scores

Tempest in my mind, wild enough
Borne out of my childhood
The very old question consumed me whole
That question ain’t ephemeral
Volatile for my mind to rack it any more

Involuntarily I found myself running to
My granddad to ask it yet again
But after a due course of ten long years
He still looked not a day older
From the time I met him last

He grinned and said aloud,
‘’I knew you’d turn back to me about that!’’
I nodded grinning back
He quickly reached to his shirt pocket
Handed me an antique Pen

It was all unambiguous and clear
I realized what he’d hinted on
"A Pen holds the utmost power!"
Writings of all forms‘d set uproars
Ones that even swords couldn’t!

Years later, I’m in all praise of him
He ain’t any more!
But that priceless piece of mind
Helped me go long way
Now I advice and preach it to all

All the sparks that writings ’ve created
Bringing out a revolution all over
Thinking deep, putting it down in words
Now I consider myself the Powerful one!
The mighty colossal Beast of all!